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Probably the easiest, best, most profitable way to attract attention-favorably and memorably-is to sug- gest useful ideas for improvements! Always keep a lot of desirable idea options open! Always keep a lot of practical, useful ideas- submitted-and "in the works"!

Always keep a lot of developing «idea futures" in your subconscious "hopper"! Always keep your idea production line filled with ideas being completed-moving steadily forward to completion! Always have many idea roads leading to your life-goal! Then you will never be in an all-or-nothing, make-or-break, do-or-die situation.

You never will be under pressure or feel anxiety about any project because it will be only one of many idea roads, only one of many, and perhaps even better, possibilities.

Decide right now that you are a «do-something- about-it" person! Immediately, you will start getting more out of life! More ideas! More action! More contacts! More opportunities! More money! Welcome criticism. Invite it. Learn from it and be grateful for it. Sincerely express your gratitude for honest and helpful criticism. The grindstone of criticism may be rough and sometimes nOisy-but that is a sign it is sharpening your ideas.

Your ideas will not attract much attention un- less they also attract some criticism. Few ideas are born perfect. The only person who is smarter than anybody -is everybody. So expose your ideas. Ask for opinions, suggestions-yes, and ask for criticism. Sharpen your ideas on the rough grindstone of criticism. Do not let ridicule and envy hurt or disturb you.

It has often been said that ridicule is the real test of an idea because ridicule will not stick unless the ridicule is deserved. So if ridicule does stick and is de- served, you will know that your idea needs modification and improvement.

So learn from that kind of ridicule as you would learn from criticism friendly or unfriendly. However, your idea also will attract some ridicule which Simply is the result of envy. Envy may not be benevolent but it is a sure sign of your superiority and a form of praise. In fact, John Gay, the English poet, wrote, «Envy is a kind of praise. To put the wisdom of Sydney Smith in this same context: "Learn from your earliest days to inure your ideas against envious ridicule; you can no more exercise your reason if you live in constant dread of envious ridi- cule, than you can enjoy your life if you live in constant dread of death.

Communicate them modestly and welcome criticism which helps you make them better so that they will be more useful. But although you communicate your ideas modestly-do not do it timidly or fearfully. Do not dread or resent envy, but accept it as recognition of your su- periority. The sure sign of failure is not to be envied by many. Let all criticism How through the strainer of practicality.

You will be delighted by the many golden nuggets you will acquire that wayl I can verify that by my own experience. One time a famous lawyer telephoned me after seeing me have a rough time before a public commission. The lawyer gruHly announced, "I am going to give you some free ad- vicel" Which he did.

That free advice totally critical has been worth a fortune to mel Another time, a small publisher telephoned me long distance and announced that he would tell me in four words how to stop making a costly mistake in book market- ing.

He did-in four words, tool His criticism saved me so much money that I shudder to think what it would have cost me to ignore that little, unknown publisher's criticism I The lesson comes through loud and clearl Wel- come all criticism.

Thomas Edison was the best idea-creator. He patented 1, inventions worth millions, and gave the world thousands of other useful ideas which he did not even bother to patent. So we should learn from Edison.

He did not try to be perfect. He only tried to create useful ideas-and make them available so that everyone would have an opportunity to improve his ideas.

Think of Edison's first "talking machine". Or consider how many improvements have 82 been made in electric lighting from Edison's idea of the incandescent lamp bulb.

In fact, you can become very rich just by sub- mitting ideas which will not work at all! The only requirement for a «successful" idea which will not work is that it can somehow, by somebody, be modified, adapted, combined or improved so that it will be useful. Because YOU started a chain of ideas, YOU will get the credit, get promoted, and get rich as the originator, sharing the rewards with those who improved YOUR idea into final, workable form.

If you had not origi- nated the idea, there would not have been anything to im- prove! Remember, every idea whether it works or needs to be further developed is only a beginning. I never have known of any idea-or any man-made thing-which was perfect. Every idea is improved over a course of time as man's knowledge, technology and experience increases.

Ideas evolve! That's what evolution is all about, and evolution applies more visibly to ideas than anything else. The "survival of the fittest" applies to ideas as does the need to adapt to changing conditions. So do not be timid or hesitant in suggesting and submitting your ideas.

Your ideas need not be perfect. Indeed, no ideas even Edison's ever have been perfectl In fact, your idea need not even «work" in its early stages.

It need be only a beginning. Without a beginning, there can be no successful completion. Do not confuse "failure" with «defeat". So do not let "failure" take something out of you. Be sure each "failure" puts something into you. None of your ideas will really "fail". Every idea -failure or success-is simply a step toward creating something. You will learn as much-or more-from your failures as from your successes.

Personally, I have learned -and therefore ultimately profited-much more from my initial failures than from my initial successes. Failures are an essential part of building suc- cess. Failures created Lincoln and led to his greatness. All successes and no failures created Napoleon and led to Waterloo. Ten years of idea failures created the nickel- iron-alkaline storage battery.

More than 17, idea failures created latex. Are you afraid your idea will fail? Trying your idea is simply one experiment to determine to what extent it needs to be modified, adapted, combined and improved. It is not a one-shot final test of success or failure; it is merely a one-test experiment which, if you use the methods in this book, will lead to your ultimate success and the rewards of thinking up useful ideas.

Charles Kettering, the great inventive genius of General Motors, told how they developed the Diesel engine. He said they tried one failing idea after another for six years until they finally found one idea which would work.

Was Charles Kettering a failure because he had ideas which did not work the first time they were tried? His 84 ideas for the Diesel engine over a period of six years did not work. Was he a failure? Not exactly. He modified, adapted, combined and improved his ideas until he did develop the Diesel engine-which was how he developed all of his great inventions. One would think there would be a more "scien- tific" way, yet Charles Kettering when he was in charge of research of the largest, richest, most productive corporation in the world said that "trying one idea after another is the only successful way we know.

So whatlll All ideas have to be modified, adapted, combined and improved. All ideas evolve as knowledge, technology and experience show ways to improve them. As the old Italian proverb says: "He who never fails, never grows rich. Sure, you've heard about the man who had an idea, claimed it was an "invention", obtained a patent, be- came a millionaire and received royalties for life.

But for every inventor who patents an idea, there are literally millions of people who had ideas and did NOT patent them-but who were rewarded by executive attention, lucrative promotions, increased income, sugges- tion bonuses, and who became richer quicker by this Simple method of making themselves more useful therefore, more valuable by constantly THINKING UP Of course, ideas which are original, unique in- ventions of maior consequence should be patented if a 86 valid, legally-defensible patent can be obtained.

It is ex- tremely time-consuming, expensive, and an invitation to threats and actual litigation by probably dozens of people who have "patents applied for" on any and every alleged invention which has any feature which is in any way sim- iliar to one which your "patent applied for" claims to be original and unique.

I do not want to discourage the proper appli- cation for any valid, legally-defensible patent through the professional services of a reputable, qualified attorney who specializes in patents.

But I do not want this and the preceding chap- ters to create a cult of "instant inventors", rashly applying for patents at considerable loss of time and money-to the enrichment of "invention" promoters. SO, the purpose of this book is NOT to lead you to believe that you can invent and patent some miracle contrivance which will make you a billionaire overnight- but simply to encourage you to: 81 a THINK UP!

You accomplish all this by giving your ideas away! Do not haggle and hassle over how much you should be paid for each idea. That attitude will get you more resentment than money.

Do not try to put a price tag on each idea. You do not want money for each idea. What you do want is the reputation for con- stantly suggesting ideas for improvements. That reputation will make you richer qUicker than putting a price tag on each idea and then trying to peddle it. A business succeeds or fails based on its com- petitive rate of improvement.

Therefore, any employee-at any level-who constantly suggests ideas which increase the competitive rate of improvement of any business will be increasingly rewarded. Which is what the next chapter is about Before you can do that, it is necessary for you to make sure you can keep the fob you have so that you can use your present job as a springboard to a series of increas-t ingly better positions with more job-security.

There is no future in working in a job which is going to be eliminated by improved technology and com- puterized automation. Nor is there a future in working in a declining industry-or for an inefficient company-which obviously cannot survive in the future.

The iceman no longer cometh and puts a large block of ice in the icebox as was done when I was a little boy. No more iceboxes except coolers for outings; which 89 soon will not require ice no more ice-wagons, no more icemen. An entire industry. At one time in our nation's history, most em- ployment was in farming-and in some foreign countries it still is.

Rice Industry , I produced a mo- tion picture on rice agriculture in the United States in which crop planting, fertilizing and insecticide-control all were done by airplane, and harvesting was done by huge combines. Labor unions may strike in protest, but strikes cannot replace jobs which no longer exist. While having such a job is essential for job- security-it does not guarantee fob-security. It only makes it possible provided that you can make yourself more valu- able than all of the other eager applicants seeking that 90 same fob-YOUR fob.

Competition for jobs will increase. You only have to consider the statistics pre- sented in the first part of this chapter to realize that there will be so many millions of people seeking different jobs that the competition for each and every still-available job will be terrific!

And many of those people will be eagerly seek- ing YOUR fob! So you have to establish a reputation with your company's management: 1 That YOU are more valuable than anyone who might seek to replace you-because you constantly prove to your management Why will the preceding two qualities make you indispensable to a growth company? Because a business succeeds or fails based on its competitive rate of improvement. Therefore, any employee-at any level-who constantly suggests ideas which will increase his company's competitive rate of improvement is absolutely indispensa- ble to his company.

Doing this will make you so indispensable that, should your job be eliminated by computerized automa- tion, your company will place you in another job because no company in today's competition can afford to lose a con- stant source of ideas for improvement. Here's how: 1 Make a list of your company's products, materials, methods, services, organizations, projects, plans and everything which needs improving-and everything does, because everything can be improved.

Do this as best you can, to the best of your own knowledge and unobtrusive observation. Do NOT go prying around, "poking your nose" into com- pany operations and other people's jobs with the an- nounced intention of improving them! So, don't act like it. That is the surest way to become so un- popular that you promptly will get fired-if you survive! Be very discreet and unobtrusive.

Do NOT ask prying, unwelcome questions. Above all, do NOT tell any- body that you are looking for things to improve! Just privately list your company's products, materials, methods, services, organizations, projects, plans and everything you can think of without prying into other 92 people's jobs and company business. You will be able to privately compile a long enough list for a years suggestions without offending anybody. The number of things which can be improved in any business is almost unlimitedl Then, apply each of the 61 Magic Questions in Chapter 13 to each item on your list-one item at a time.

As ideas for possible improvements begin to spark in your mind, write them down instantly. Concen- trate on one item on your company list at a time--even for a week or longer-and write down every idea for improv- ing that one detail of your company's operation.

Then, as explained in Chapter 18, when you have developed an idea for improvement which you believe will benefit your company, suggest it to your employer in a deferential manner which will get you credit for trying to make yourself more useful-but without seeming pre- sumptuous or incurring resentment. A suggestion for improvement implies criticism unless it is modestly and deferentially stated. As explained in Chapter 18, by far the best way to suggest your ideas is in the form of questions in the manner of simply asking a more experienced opinion.

Ask your employer such questions as: "What do you think would happen if our com- pany tried your idea? If your idea does not seem feasible to your em- ployer, he will tell you so and probably tell you why.

Then you can admiringly say, "That is why I wanted to get your experienced opinion before I tried to develop the idea further. Today, successful management realizes more than ever that many of the best and most practical ideas for improvement can come from employees at all levels.

So the most progressive companies have established pro- grams to encourage employee suggestions. Employee "idea suggestion boxes" are placed throughout the offices and plant. Cash bonuses are offered and Widely publicized throughout the organization.

The amount of each cash bonus is based on the value of the suggestion and an employee's cash bonus may amount to thousands of dollars for just one highly profitable sugges- tion. Most "employee suggestion bonuses" are in the hun- dreds of dollars. Usually, at least a small token bonus is paid for each suggestion even if it has little value to encour- age continued employee participation in thinking up ideas. Big companies, like General Motors, have paid 94 bonuses totaling millions of doUars to employees for sug- gested improvements.

Employees, who really concentrate on thinking up ideas for improvements, sometimes earn more from "suggestion bonuses" than their pay checks I But the principal value of your constantly sug- gesting ideas for improvements is that you will build a reputation with management that you are indispensable to your company as a constant source of ideas for profitable improvements.

When our national and especially the world population expanded with suddenly alarming growth, it was dramatized by the term: population explosion. Talk it up at every opportunity. The public, not the research- ers, mind you, but the general public suggested ideas for improving war materials production which saved Uncle Sam five billion dollars! U ninHated dollars of those days.

Employees at one Navy Yard submitted ideas for improvement in just two weeks! We are faced with a devastating crisis-NOW-in almost every situation in this nation and throughout the world I We have a food crisis more people are starv- ing to death throughout the world right now than were killed in all wars! We have a monetary crisis, an inflation crisis, a gold crisis, an interest rate crisis, a money supply crisis. We have a governmental crisis with incredible waste, unquestionable inefficiency and, too often, question- able morality.

We have a fuel crisis, an imported materials crisis, an unstable balance of trade crisis, an export crisis. Well, there is no point in further continuing to list all of our crises. You name it-and we've got a crisis in it! It would be interesting-but futile-to try to document how this nation and the world ever got into such a mess! We have had enough bunglinglIt is high time we started having ideas for improvements!

We need to get rid of our "ivory towers" and their economics of disaster. We need to get rid of our amateur "game plans" which have led from one victorious national catas- trophe to another. We need to remove every cause of the sus- pected trend toward "government by the highest bidder". We need to stop the "price-wage spiral" before we can no longer pay either the prices or the wages. If business will eagerly encourage every employee, at every level, to THINK UP ideas for improve- ment related to his job-the improved methods, proce- dures, products and services will create a nation of unlimited abundance and a secure prosperity for every- body!

Cash awards should be substantial and at least some award or recognition should be given for every gen- uine suggestion submitted. Every business, depending upon its size, should have a department or at least an individual whose primary function is to encourage, obtain, reward and properly channel for evaluation and possible use-all ideas for im- provement.

The great British economist and management counselor, Herbert N. Casson, wrote, a generation ago: "An efficient firm must be an organized friendship. In fairness, let me add that there are some ex- ceptions, even though, regrettably, they are not sufficiently spectacular and inflammatory to rate television and other news coverage.

Perhaps labor and management can move closer to becoming an c'organized friendship" through working together on ideas to improve the business from which both derive their incomes. Businesses should not limit their search and awards for ideas for improvement only to their own em- ployees. Separate campaigns seeking customer suggestions for product and customer service improvements should be a part of every advertising campaign.

Customers and potential customers would have a much higher regard for a company which devoted some of its advertising to seeking ideas for product and service improvement than they now have for companies which sell products and services that could be materially im- proved if the companies earnestly sought the ideas and sug- gestions of all customers and prospective customers.

Put your customers on your "team". Suggestions from prospective or lost customers would reveal why they are not now buying-so that the business could offer them more of what they want and less of what they don't want. To find out-just ASK I Even though most people will not send in ideas for improvement, everyone will appreciate being ASKED and will have a higher regard for a company which sin- cerely and earnestly is trying to supply the kind of products and services its customers want and to eliminate those things which annoy and alienate customers and prospects.

This should be separate from "Letters to the Editor" and "Readers' Views" pages which demonstrably are not focused on ideas for improvement.

Many readers would welcome this means of suggesting their ideas. Every television and radio station should have regular programs for broadcasting and giving credit for "Ideas for Improving SOMETHING"-and intensely pro- mote the sending in of such ideas by listeners. Everybody has-or can think up-an idea for improving something.

Thinking up ideas is contagiOUS. Television and radio pro- grams which would stimulate and broadcast listeners' ideas for improvements-ranging from civic improvements to household hints-would be welcome and interesting addi- tions to television and radio programing. Schools, beginning in the early grades and con- tinuing through college, should have weekly classes on the techniques of creating ideas for improving things.

Such classes should begin with specific projects as focal points for class attention, for example: "What ideas do you have for improving job procurement for graduating students? And "What ideas do you have for making learning more fun? Later, after creative idea techniques are devel- oped, idea classes should be uninhibited, freewheeling discussions of ideas for improving everything.

As Sherwood Anderson said, "The whole obfect of education is, or should be, to develop the mind. The mind should be a thing that works. One of the best places for such training is in the home. And, idea stimulation should not be confined to the children in the home. While "thinking up" should be taught and practiced at an early age, it also is essential for adults as the best means of keeping their minds flexible and adaptable to change.

Psychologists say that most people, organiza- tions and businesses suHer from what is known as "tradi- tion paralysis. They become mentally, emotionally and phYSically incapable of moving in any other than their established patterns.

But as W. Douglas said, "Security can only , be achieved by constant change, through discarding old ideas that have outlived their usefulness and adapting others to current facts. Extinction is more gradual than that. Extinction occurs in a continuing series of losses. The type of business in which you now are employed may become extinct. Your job may become extinct. Your income may become extinct. The only thing you can be sure of is change. How can you cope successfully with change?

Prepare for change-confidently. To manage change, you must anticipate the direction and manner of change. Because the change will not as yet have occurred, you must first visualize and deal with the change in your imagination. And you must imagine boldlyl For, as John Dewey taught us, "Every great advance in science has issued from a new audacity of Dare to imagine the impossible I Dare to stretch your imagination to the very limit of the impossible-then beyond that, because out there lies the future, waiting to be discovered!

My forty years of research, testing and compiling proven success methods have resulted in three personal libraries and fifteen private files of methods used by the most suc- cessful men and women in history to achieve their leader- ship, power, wealth and fame. This amounts to more than a thousand different success methods which I want to make available to everyone who really wants to succeed. I want to power-pack as many proven success methods as possible into each book and, because the pre- ceding chapters required necessary details and therefore were longer than usual, I shall devote the remainder of this book to giving you proven success methods in brief, com- pact chapters so that I can give you as many methods as possible in this book.

The purpose of this explanation is to assure you that, because a proven success method is stated briefly in a short chapter, does not mean that it is any less important and valuable.

It may be more important to you than a method which requires a more lengthy description. These are the methods used by the most suc- cessful men and women to achieve their leadership, power, fame and wealth.

They are not limited fust to making money. These are the successful methods which YOU can use for self-improvement, solving problems, overcom- ing handicaps, surmounting obstacles, attaining your high- est goal in life. QUICKERI But what is more important is that the methods in this book are not limited fust to making money-but to making you a totally successful person. For example, you will learn how to avoid half your troubles.

Humorist Josh Billings wrote with more wis- dom than humor : "One half of the troubles of this life can be traced to saying "yes" too quickly and not saying "no' soon enough.

How to avoid half of your troubles I And, this time, Josh Billings wasn't kidding. It comes in two parts: 1 Do not be too qUick in saying "yes". Let's have a closer look: 1 Being too qUick to say "yes" accounts for all of the countless mistakes which result from: a not first obtaining all of the relevant facts, b not first intelli- gently considering every possible alternative, c not first thinking the proposition lOgically through to its conclusion. The worn come-on that "everybody's doing it" is too often irresistible to inexperi- enced youth.

And it is often equally irresistible to gullible non-thinkers of every age. A proven success method is to view with suspi- cion any proposal which does not permit time for thought- ful consideration of facts, alternatives, consequences. Any proposition which insists on an "instant yes', a pressured acceptance without time for thorough consideration, should be flatly rejected. Do not pride yourself on your "intuition" to the extent that you gullibly substitute your "intuition" for logic based on facts.

The proven truth is that "intuition" can be manipulated by any con man, or even by anyone who knows a few "emotional trigger words". This is not to suggest that you be a "no-person", but that you b "k " e a now-person. Being a "know-person" means that before you say "yes" or "no", you first a obtain all the facts, b in- telligently consider every possible alternative, c think the proposition logically through to its conclusion.

When you use this proven success method of being a "know-person", you will decide without worrying later about the outcome. You will do as the great psychologist, William James, prescribed: "When once a decision is reached and execution is the order of the day, dismiss absolutely all care anxiety about the outcome. You will take the get-richer-quicker advice of successful oilman Waite Phillips, "There comes a time when we must decide and act and never look back.

That's where your future is! And, remember, your future is an extension of today. So if you are 1 too quick in saying "yes", or 2 too slow in saying "no"-the consequence will be your future!

Your future is too important to entrust to "in- tuition" which can be manipulated by a few "emotional trigger words". Your future deserves nothing less than your learning and using the proven success methods of the men and women who have attained whatever they wanted in life. As you learn proven success methods, you will learn that much advice which has been so freely tossed about-fust isn't sol For example, you will learn that the of ten- given admonition to "be yourself" can be the worst possible advice I And you will Ie am why.

For as many years as I can remember, personal- ity counselors and assorted advisers have been advocating: «be yourself. Of course, you cannot be anyone elsel But the intent of all this «be yourself' advice is, in addition to Hattery for whatever purpose, to warn you against trying to be «like other people"-even very successful people! If you want to be Hattered into «being your- self' and staying the way you now are, then there is no sense in studying this book because its specific purpose is to teach you how to be like the successful people who notably have achieved high positions of leadership and power, and who have attained great wealth, fame and whatever they wanted in life.

If YOU want leadership, power, wealth, fame -or whatever are your highest goals in life-the only way you can achieve them is to develop the successful personal qualities and use the methods which have been proven successful by others in achieving those goals.

As you develop more successful personal quali- ties and use more successful methods, you will change. And that's good! Nobody ever became more successful without changing for the better! The more you change for the better, the more successful you will bel And the more secure you will bel The dinosaur was the largest animal which ever lived. Apparently that seemed reason enough to "be your- self back in those early times. Anyway the dinosaur never changed and, therefore, became extinct.

It has always been so. And it is so now. It is not enough just to continue to "be yourself. Success re- quires continuous change-change into a more successful personality using more successful methods. Don't get stuck with the presentl The reason for studying this book is to improve on the present by changing it for the better. The sole pur- pose of this book is to teach successful methods of self- improvement.

Self-improvement IS change! So each chapter teaches another lesson in self- improvement--change for the better! You can improve only by changing! Do not resist change. Seek change eagerly as you study the following chapters. Your imagination can be a great teacher. In your imagination, you can visualize all sorts of interesting and challenging situations-and then you can practice deciding how you would meet the imagined challenge or handle the imagined situation.

Practicing in your imagination can help you improve your responses and methods without having to go through each actual experience as taught, in detail, in my book Thoughts To Build On.

For example: How would you like to have YOU as your boss? Do you have the necessary leadership quali- ties? How would you correct poor workmanship byem- ployees working under your superviSion? How would you handle employees' complaints and grievances?

How would you motivate your employees to do better work? What employee incentive programs would you use. What changes would you make? How would you improve things? Those are just a few of the many questions you should ask yourself in the imaginary situation of YOU as the boss.

Your answers to those questions will reveal how much and precisely what you will need to learn to qualify for your boss' position. And for even higher posi- tions of leadership in your company and in your industry.

Or, if you already are an executive, take a long, hard look at yourself by imagining that YOU are each of your employees-one by one. If you were Joe, how would you like to have YOU as boss?

As Joe, in your imagination, think if YOU would be a better supervisor for Joe if you had a more pleasant disposition, or were more considerate of Joe's problems, and more helpful, personally, in solving them.

Try honestly to see yourself as others see you. Everyone needs to do this, whatever his or her position in life-at work and at home. Everyone has his own little wagon to pull through life. You cannot pull yourself forward in your own wagon. You only can pull someone else forward in your wagon. But notice One of the nation's top executives sars, "If you develop the ability to persuade others to do whatever yoo want them to do, you don't need anything else.

If you do not have that ability, it doesn't matter what else you have. Either you learn this or you don't get richer There will be more chapters on "how you can persuade others" throughout this book, and I have written a chapter book, How To Get Whatever You Want, which covers the sub- ject more completely.

There is much to learn-and all the methods. H you don't have that ability, it doesn't matter what else you have.

The proven success method is to persuade not convince others by using their own stated opinions as the best way to do what you want them to do. Always AGREE with their opinions and gradu- ally "tailor" them so that their opinions actually support whatever you want. To do this requires that you keep the other person talking about his opinions so that you can find more which are subject to "tailoring" to support your objective.

Quicker 1 You Get Richer Quicker When You Then Fulfill "Eager Wants" In persuading people to do what you want them to do, the proven success method is to arouse in others what psychologists call an "eager want"-then ful- fill it!

An "eager want" is the activation of a powerful subconscious desire. These are described in detail in my book, How To Get Whatever You Want, so we shall not take space here to do more than list some of the basic subconscious needs of everyone you meet every day. This will teach you some of the..

Here are some of the basic subconscious needs of everybody. When activated, they become the «eager wants" which you can fulfill and make yourself desirable as a fulfillment source: 1 Fulfill the «eager want" of everyone to be ADMIRED.

Always enthusiastically express your sincere admiration of some quality or possession of everyone. Famed psychologist, William James, taught: «The deepest craving in human nature is the crav- ing to be appreciated.

Many psychologists consider this to be the most powerful motivation because it is the principal drive behind ego-actions. This was the teaching of the great educator, John Dewey. When a person feels no longer needed, even life, itself, loses meaning and value.

You can render no greater service than to make everyone feel needed. Your reward, in gratitude alone, will be worth many times your thought and effort. Deep in the subconscious of everybody are powerful personal needs. These subconscious needs may or may not be apparent from appearance or conduct, but they are the constant subconscious desires of every person. By your constantly fulfilling these «eager wants" of everybody you meet, phone or write-your per- sonal popularity and influence will skyrocket!

Be A Winner!!! Try a few practice games-in your imagination -right now, just to feel the warm, friendly glow of it! Imagine that you are talking with a relative or friend. Think of some admiring remark you can Sincerely make. Obviously, this will please your relative or friend, so now imagine he or she admires something you would like to be praised about in return. You will be pleased by the compliment-and it will be your turn to make another admiring comment You may want to make "interchanging praise" part of your life.

And you should! It's a pleasant game. What makes this even more pleasant is that ev- erybody always wins! The English critic, William Hazlitt, observed, "The art of pleasing consists of being pleased:" And, let me add, "The more pleased you are, the more pleasant you will be as a companion. Nonnan Vincent Peale says, "Enthusi- asm makes the difference! Consider: friction. Friction among people, at work, at home, any- where-causes trouble.

In fact, if you trace any trouble back to its beginnings, you will find that it started with friction. Friction among people causes wear. When someone tells you he or she feels "worn out", suspect fric- tion because friction wears out people, just as it wears out machinery.

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