Dwimmermount map pdf download
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It seems that to me but I can't find the scale of the maps nowhere It only appears on the map of Muntburg. There's no plans for it at this time - there isn't much demand for Dwimmermount at this point not surprising as it's almost a decade old so I've been focusing on new product.
Entirely reasonable. I was hoping against hope that the option had been temporarily removed or something. Thanks for the fast reply. This is probably a good 3x as big a dungeon. Probably overpriced, but Autarch is likely losing money on the whole Dwimmermount deal, so can't really blame them for trying to make some of it back.
And this is fairly slick, actually, like an annotated map of each level. These are definitely not forms Tony. You can't see it on the puny preview but these are highly annotated maps and a detailed collection of information for each level of the megadungeon.
On the enlarged maps 11"x17" each and every room is summarized with a note of contents, letter coding for the type of monsters present, possible direction of monster travel, icons of types of treasure present, and a symbol that represents any trap or hazard to the party.
Kind of like an OSR dungeon map that shows the total vibe of all the denizens and factions at a glance. Specifically, something for the DM to have in front of them while actually running the giant dungeon. I am an Autarch minion however so take it with a copper piece but I was also the poor fool that compiled all the notes and markings on the maps.
Timothy S. Of all the Dwimmermount supplements this one is a must have. The others are nice, I bought the map book and the illustration book as well, but this is a MUST if you are trying to run Dwimmermount.
I got back into the game after a decades long absence. Brian B. A great tool for running Dwimmermount. For each level you get a high resolution designed for printing at 11x17, but still readable at 8. Each room is keyed with its number, all the [ Jake P. I'm currently 7 sessions in to a Dwimmermount campaign. While the dungeon itself is remarkable, I would say the same of Barrowmaze, in which I've also run a campaign.
What has set this experience apart is the Dungeon Tracker. I have a copy printed [ Eric F. What the hell are you going to do when you've got those twenty orcs baring down on you and the PC's are with their back to the pit trap or the flame spells? There's a the dungeon tracker for [ See All Ratings and Reviews. Login Sign up.
Dwimmermount map pdf download. Nov 24th, Not a member of Pastebin yet? Sign Up , it unlocks many cool features! Dwimmermount's area is based upon the old Outdoor Survival map, ever so slightly modified. Many of the interesting rooms are paired with a bit of artwork, easing explanation. The maps themselves are well presented. I'd had hoped that all the previous love given to door types would have made some impact on the icon design; the preparing Judge may want to think up his own way to clearly delineate them.
There's a slight step back on map printability - the background matte is a bit 'staticy'; making it harder to eliminate for printing. Dwimmermount is a dungeon with a purpose, and that will bear out through play, reading through the rooms.
Each level has a clear theme, and the many factions working in Dwimmermount play off of each other in a logical way - the Judge wanting to make this a live dungeon shouldn't have much issue taking a bit of time to do so after the player's sessions. I could see a slow party, in fact, missing a lot of the as-written content of the place if a Judge really gets into his role. There's plenty of places in the dungeon for the party to find allies, even unlikely ones, if they are careful, or of somewhat questionable morals.
Section 3. Some items are from 'off-world'; those are strongly Barsoomian in flavor. Others are items found within Dwimmermount that integrate and operate it's more technological aspects. There's more than a few original-to-me ideas in here as well; some of them I won't cover for fear of spoilers. Again, very much the importation of 1E spells. We get a few more rituals, in Gate, Holy Word, and the venerable Symbol.
The majority are arcane. Some classics, some presented as unique in Dwimmermount. There's several new constructs, some of which powered by Dwimmermounts 'azoth' material. There's several new undead sorts; Liches are present, then a handful of humanoid undead types unique to Dwimmermount's particular situation. Several of the monsters are Planescape-ish, one from the Astral Sea, another whose dungeon encounter group can be referred to as a 'ganglion', if you know what I mean, and I think you do.
Dwimmermount's implied setting would be woefully incomplete without a couple of those classics locked out of the OGL. Woefully underused, sometimes badly used; rival parties can get a group of players going like few things can - there's nothing worse than someone else getting to kill things and take stuff you planned to take after killing the same things.
The only thing better are rival parties of other real players. Each team has a general motive, each member given a personality. They all come with a table of sample jobs and pay rate for those jobs, which is a neat way to allow real players or meddlesome NPCs to farm out tasks.
Each takes a different pay rate for different levels of the dungeon, which would be interesting on several fronts - either as a rearguard or if the player party decides to subcontract the whole NPC party out as a group of henchmen.
The nature of the Astral Plane is touched on, since there are things in Dwimmermount useful there, as well as a light section on other planes. Azoth is special material found throughout the cosmos of Dwimmermount's setting, but is found in great supply in Dwimmermount itself.
It has many uses, depending on what form it's in. Raw, it's mostly a pyrotechnic. Refined, it interfaces with ACKS' magical research rules, aids in spellcasting, can do a miraculous healing, formed into sovereign glue or it's solvent, or a super-acid.
It's also used in several new additions to ACKS' transformation rules. In short, it's ridiculously useful; and amongst other artifacts in Dwimmermount is one of the main plot drivers of several of the factions active in the dungeon.
Naturally, it's also harmful in the long term or in large quantities; including such side effects as mutation, explosion, loss of levels, gain of levels, loss or gain of magical powers, bloating, weight loss, depression, and erectile dysfunction, to name a few.
Some of those are not real effects. The main antagonist of Dwimmermount is given life in this appendix. It closes with a method of achieving immortality compatible with ACKS' Magical Research rules; the exact method by which Turms managed to get ahead in life.