Download ancestry dna file to 23andme

This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. More info Okay! Check out our new Gene Tool. Latest Posts. Leave a Reply Cancel reply You must be logged in to post a comment. Log in to Reply. Thank you for using our tool. However, there is no indication that they will repeat this offer in the future.

However, several other companies accept raw DNA results from elsewhere. The list includes:. They did not repeat this offer in subsequent years. Is there any competitive advantage for 23andMe to take transfers? The company is very focused on its health reports. One way of boosting sales would be to accept DNA imports and provide access to genetic relatives and ethnicity estimates for free.

The income boost would come from placing a premium on upgrading to health reports. The website accepts raw DNA results from the other testing companies. The crucial point is that, unlike the other companies that accept uploads, with GEDmatch you can usually tell where the DNA kit came from. Here is a condensed excerpt of one of the displays of my DNA relatives there. You can choose to opt out of some features — such as research projects. And be comfortable about the policy towards easy access to law enforcement agencies.

Some sites work more closely than others with forensic investigators. If you are coming to family research with very little knowledge of your heritage, then the general advice is to fish in many pools.

In other words, transfer your DNA to all the reputable sites as long as you accept their security and privacy policies. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Sincerely, Mercedes. I've been hearing from people that they read people get different results but to them that means that all of these sites are inaccurate.

I feel the more testing and different results definitely could help. I plan to take purchase from Ancestry next and then 23andMe. This post gave me relief that others feel the same way! Thank you. Uploads of DNA data can present privacy concerns Even though I am generally supportive of the ability to download our DNA data and upload to other sites, it is not without risks to do so.

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